You can use any red wine for this recipe, but I recommend something full-bodied, like a Merlot. You want the wine to be bold enough to stand up to the fruit and ice. As for brands, I really like Barefoot. The quality is worth about three times the price.
1 bottle (750 ml) Red wine (I recommend Barefoot Merlot)
1 Tangelo, sliced 1/4" thick
1 Lemon, sliced 1/4" thick
12 oz Ginger ale
1/4 cup Sugar
Combine the wine and sugar in a large pitcher.
Stir until the sugar is dissolved.
Add the fruit and stir gently.
Just before serving, add the ginger ale and stir.
Serve over ice in a large wine glass.
Tip: Roll the fruit on your counter under the palm of your hand before slicing. This will help release the juice and oils.
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