

About Me

Click to view a larger imageWelcome! My name is John Dawson and I'll be your host in this little culinary adventure. I suppose I should offer at least a brief introduction of myself. I am a Christian, a husband, the father of three girls, an Air Force veteran, and a cook living in Boise Idaho.

By day I direct the client web development at a NYC-based digital marketing firm. As for barbecue, I've been competing in barbeque competitions since 2006 under the name "Patio Daddio BBQ", thus the blog name.

As for cooking in general, my passion is good hearty rustic food. I often say that life is too short to eat mediocre food. It may sound corny, but food to me is a way of giving a little of myself to those I cook for. It's a gift on a plate. There are few things in life more intimate than sharing a meal. I am also an artist, so cooking is a natural creative outlet for me. This blog is just an extension of that same outlet.

As the tagline implies, my intention here is to offer my thoughts and ideas about food and life. I hope you find it interesting and educational.

If you have comments, concerns, complaints or suggestions I want to hear from you. Please don't hesitate to send me the good, the bad and the ugly.

You can see my media appearances and press here.


P.S. All of the photographs and recipes that you see on this site are mine, unless specifically attributed otherwise.


  1. Wow! certainly impressive John! Thanks for sharing your site with me! I will definelty save it and look through more, from what I've seen so far, it's made me VERY hungry!!
    Cheryl @ SVU

  2. From one amateur cook to another! Very impressive John! Glad I finally clicked the link from that "other" website to find this site! Keep up the great work!
    Paul from Michigan
    (Also, the proud Dad of three beautiful girls. One that resides with the USAF!)

  3. John,
    I've visited your site many times and seen it referenced; this is the first time I read about you. Thanks for sharing your recipes and the fact that you're a Christian--very impressive.


  4. Hey John-
    Just visiting your site for the first time, and I think it's awesome! Everything looks so delicious, I can't wait to try some of your recipes out.

  5. Hey can I have your personal email? I just wanted to ask you something. mine is

  6. Kile - My e-mail address is under "Contact" in the upper-right.

  7. I've enjoyed a few of your recipe ideas over the last couple months, yet just realized you're a fellow Boise resident! Curious if you have a preferred butcher shop in town? If I'm doing BBQ for a good number of people, I usually pick up at Cash n' Carry, but have been trying to find a butcher shop I really like in town...

  8. Luke - I too get most of my meat from C&C. I also hit Costco (mainly for chicken, charcoal, and spices). I've recently discovered Bob's Meats Royale on Overland.

    The guys know their stuff and are very helpful.

  9. P.S. You can reach me anytime at john [at]

  10. We need to shoot you a new look shiny! :D Love you!

  11. Been reading your blog for more than an hour. WELL DONE!! Fellow Air Force Vet here too. (As are my boys.) I have to thank Sandi D. for her January blog as well... I have a hard drive in the freezer. (She'll know what I mean.) Anyway, I've bookmarked your blog and plan to return often. Thanks for the great tips!!!

  12. Great web site

  13. Hi John ,Thanks for your recipe on the pork ribs with sauerkraut, it to takes me back home when my mom use to cook for us as kids at home.kinda think searing the Meat before you roast it has become a lost art, Im 57 now with a daughter and a son that have kids of their own, so they constantly are contacting dad for all the good family recipies , I know what you mean when you say nothing brings family and home together more than a great meal and the hands it took to prepair that mean because every hand and every recipe is created diffrent with each individual pair of hand, lost my wife about 15 yrs ago so the recipes have all kinda been handed down to me since both sets of parents have now passed on , now I have hundreds of hand written recipies which I intend on passing down to my kids hopefully next yr at Christmas , have a safe and a Happy new year and keep up with all the good recipies, better go now that Heavenly smell of the pork is saturating the house now and kids will be over for a home cooked meal and there is nothing better.
    Thanks again,
    TimepcTom in Ohio (If the name sounds funny I love and repair Clock for a pastime)

  14. Love your site! We're gearing up to start a grilling section with a "Daddio" of our own typing with one hand while the other uses tongs to flip the steak on the barbie. You are an inspiration! Keep it up!

  15. Hi John,

    I am really inspired by your site and I'm looking forward to trying out some of these wonderful dishes. I love your pictures, they are beautiful, colorful and I get hungry just looking at them.
    Keep these great recipes coming!!

    :) your neighbor in Canada!

  16. Hey John,
    I really love your site and appreciate the wide variety of featured recipes. It's a great mix. Man does not live by BBQ alone.

  17. Just stumbled across your site. Always looking for fellow bbq/grill bloggers to check out. Can't wait to check it out some more.

  18. Hello John.
    God bless and thanks for a wonderful site, full of great information and tips. I am new to the smoking scene. I am using a LP smoker. Do I have to use the 3-2-1 method for pork ribs or can I smoke them without foil the whole time? Basically, do a 6-0-0 method?
    Thanks for all your help and stay well -- Frank in Massachusetts

  19. Frank - Thanks. You can certainly cook ribs without wrapping. In fact, I did just that with loin backs here.

  20. Very nice blog. I too enjoy cooking for others and appreciate all of the good tips found here!

  21. Hi, John. I've always enjoyed your posts on BBQ-Brethren, but now I see why. Terrific blog. Thank you for sharing so openly and beautifuly.

  22. That's very kind of you. Thank you.

  23. Hi John,

    I suggest that you create a page for your blog on Facebook, that will make it easier to follow your posts.

    New fan ^_^

  24. Distortion - Oh, I'm "on" FB and Twitter, but I don't "do" either. I just don't have time to deal with them. Just subscribe here and you'll get my posts via e-mail.

  25. Hi there:
    Moved to Boise area from LA in January '13, just getting going on outdoor cooking even though it's cool/rainy today. Good to know about Bob's Meats Royale on Overland, will check them out soon for some R-I-B-S. Thanks.

  26. I John. Found your site and enjoy reading your recipes. I too an an Air Force veteran and live in Columbia, MO. Love it here


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